Güzel Sözler

Love Words

You are at the right address for the most beautiful words of love… Love words in poetry taste can cause sudden joys and different emotions on the opposite side. You can write your comments to your lover, friend and the person you want to open or you can specify what you want to add. Pleasant Readings…

– I think this love will last forever.
Or one of the stars will fall to the ground…

- Grab my hand or I'm gonna fall, and if you're not there, I'il be cold forever.

– I came to love you
After that, I can’t do anything other than you.

Love Sentences

- You will take me from me with a look, no no you can always stay in my heart ...

most beautiful love lyrics

– If I gave you a few dollars, I’d love you a little.
Left and right on the floor, if I see you with me))

love words

– They said go to where you found peace.

- I like birds, nightingale, a red rose from me b

Even though it is purple, my eyes are colored around the frame of my love.

- If you're cold, you can hurt me.

– Tell him what you feel, let him go.
Because love is a movie, you won’t sit and watch them twice

– Instead of finding the perfect love, we spend time finding the perfect love.

Black as the devil, as hot as hell, as pure as an angel, as sweet as love. “Charles Maurice de Talleyrand”

Everything is forgotten and in my heart you are unforgettable. You’il always stay in my heart like a trail.

BUNUDA OKU  En Güzel Nickler

New Love Words

– A woman’s forehead is worth more than her lips. The result is written on our forehead even if you love you will fall from your lips.

Either no one loves anyone or no tears from love filled eyes. Let everyone know how to love like this malady or man called love.

– Come to me with your heart, not your excuses.

– Eat as much food as you can on your plate, take as many people as you can.

– You’re not afraid to be alone the last time you leave… What if I want to keep your hands in your absence…

- If you're crazy enough to love me, if you deserve it enough, if you're too cheerful to lie, I'm brave enough to die for you.

– Every person is a rainfall. Some fall into the mud pit and some fall into the rose petal.

– No matter whether or not you should stop by.

– My heart is mad, my heart is crazy, I wrote you my love-filled words …

– It’s been long, it’s been hard, my heart is tired, darling… Come back, let’s keep something…

– I’m useless, I’m in the pile … I miss so much and I’m so lonely, darling …

Come out so that I feel like I’m dying for the first time every time I look.

– In the darkness of the night, in the light of the sun, in the drop of water, in the enthusiasm of the flood. Some of me in my dream, but you’re always on my mind, remember that.

BUNUDA OKU  Yalan İle İlgili Sözler

– Şeytan kadar siyah, cehennem kadar sıcak, bir melek kadar saf, aşk kadar tatlı. “Charles Maurice de Talleyrand”

– He şey unutulur da kalbimde bir sen unutulmazsın. Bir iz gibi kalbimde daima kalacaksın.

– Bir kadının alnı dudaklarından daha değerlidir. Sonuçta dudaklarından dökülecek seni seviyorum bile önceden alnımıza yazılmıştır.

– Ya sevmesin kimse kimseyi, ya da akmasın aşk dolu gözlerden yaş. Ya olmasın bu aşk denilen illet ya da adam gibi sevmeyi bilsin herkes.

– Bana yüreğinle gel bahanelerinle değil.

– Tabağında yiyebileceğin kadar yemek, hayatına sevebileceğin kadar insan al.

– Sen gittikten son yalnız kalmak korkmuyorum da… Ya yokluğunda ellerini tutmak istersem…

– Beni sevecek kadar deliysen, hak edecek kadar mertsen, yalan söylemeyecek kadar şerefliysen bende uğruna ölecek kadar yürekliyim.

– Her insan bir yağmur tanesidir. Kimi çamur çukuruna kimisi de gül yaprağına düşer.

– Olsun mu olmasın mı dert sana uğramasın… Gitsin de gelmesin bir daha ayrılık hiç…

– Kalbim perişan gönlüm deli, sana yazdım ben bu aşk dolu sözlerimi…


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